If Your Answer Is Yes, then we have the right opportunity for you..... Mail our sales brochures and receive your payments before you mail them.
Here is your chance to Earn Extra Money working at home by becoming an active participant in your own independent mailing business. You receive immediate payment for all the envelopes you secure and mail with our brochure. There are no limitations. You can Mail As Many As You Wish. You will never be asked to handle or mail any pornographic or objectionable materials.
This program is designed to help people earn a little extra income with a company that needs home workers. Each member is an independent home worker. You will be Mailing Brochures about our publication and in return receive a great commission.
Don't be fooled by companies offering programs similar to this and charging an upfront fee. Our unique program Prepays You For Every Envelope that you mail with our brochures. Our program has no startup fees and you will not be required to pay for any additional information manuals or instructions.
This program is included absolutely free with the purchase of the Home Workers' Directory. As an added bonus to you, as soon as you have mailed a pre-determined amount of envelopes, we will
reimburse your full purchase price minus shipping and handling. This way
your package costs you nothing... not to mention the fact that you will
also be paid for each envelope you mail with our brochures.
This is not an offer of employment, but rather an opportunity to become an independent mail processor. This is not a get rich quick scheme. This is a simple method for making money while providing service to a company that needs you to mail their brochures. Once you get started, you will begin to receive envelopes which will already be stamped and addressed. You simply insert our brochure and mail it.