Tag Archives: Flexible Work

6 Things You Should Know About Telecommuting

Thinking about working from home? Oftentimes, when people decide they want to try telecommuting, they’re not exactly sure what they’re in for. In a survey conducted by Telework Recruiting, Inc., of thosewho were successful at finding telework, respondents offered suggestions on what to look at before beginning a work-from-home arrangement. Here, advice from telecommuters who’ve been there, done that.

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Working Mother
Photo by: Working Mother Editor

woman home office

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10 Surprising Executive-Level Work-from-Home Jobs

It may seem that telecommuting jobs are perfect for mid-level employees. You know, the ones whose presence in an office isn’t imperative to the operations of the company. Executives have corner offices after all, right? Wrong. Today’s telecommuting workforce extends to all levels of employees, executives included. Don’t believe us?

Main Photo: 
Working Mother
Photo by: Working Mother Editor

woman striped shirt

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10 Surprising Executive-Level Work-from-Home Jobs

It may seem that telecommuting jobs are perfect for mid-level employees. You know, the ones whose presence in an office isn’t imperative to the operations of the company. Executives have corner offices after all, right? Wrong. Today’s telecommuting workforce extends to all levels of employees, executives included. Don’t believe us?

Main Photo: 
Working Mother
Photo by: Working Mother Editor

woman striped shirt

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How to Work at Home with Your Husband

Working at home with my husband is one of the hardest things I have ever done. We’re the owners of NYCVanity. As business partners, we’ve made substantial adjustments to ensure that we’re both able to contribute at a high level to our growing company while simultaneously preserving our relationship. My husband works very quickly and assesses even faster. I have a completely different approach, so it takes a lot of communication to make our business relationship work. Even so, the power struggles you have in a marriage can bleed into your daily work life if you’re not careful.

Main Photo: 
Working Mother
Photo by: Working Mother Editor


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How to Work at Home with Your Husband

Working at home with my husband is one of the hardest things I have ever done. We’re the owners of NYCVanity. As business partners, we’ve made substantial adjustments to ensure that we’re both able to contribute at a high level to our growing company while simultaneously preserving our relationship. My husband works very quickly and assesses even faster. I have a completely different approach, so it takes a lot of communication to make our business relationship work. Even so, the power struggles you have in a marriage can bleed into your daily work life if you’re not careful.

Main Photo: 
Working Mother
Photo by: Working Mother Editor


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