general news

Family Eating on a Budget

Tightening the belt loop in lean times does not have to mean that you fill your belly with less appetizing foods. Families can still eat out on a budget. Here’s how: Continue reading

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Text And Drive: A Weapon Of Self Destruction

Texting and driving is the new kid on the block in the arsenal of self destruction. You can give the people gadgets but it seems they do not come with the intelligence to use them responsibly. Even highly educated professionals are on the phone while t… Continue reading

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Make Perfect Snow Indoors Or Outdoors

Now you can make realistic, perfect looking fake snow in just a few minutes that will transform any event or party into a perfect Winter Wonderland. This snow is cold and wet and does not melt! Continue reading

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How To Deal With Homesickness As an Au Pair

Although you have made the decision to become an au pair, the whole experience can be very daunting and living with a new family with no friends or relatives nearby can lead to homesickness. This is completely normal and we’ve put together a few sugges… Continue reading

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How To Ease Your Little One’s Concern With The Dark

It is actually quite common for a child to develop a fear of the dark. By using a few simple methods, you can give your child the tools they need to conquer their fear. Continue reading

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