general news

Best Countries to Live in, in Africa

Africa conjours up many images – some positive, some negative. However many visitors to the continent are struck by how the many positive things that are happening in African countries are often under-reported, whilst disasters and tragedies are given … Continue reading

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Take Care of Your Mail or Someone Else Will

Can you say that your mail is safe? What can you do to help protect your mail? Simple answers, read and see. Continue reading

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Reclamation – A Growing Trend

We talk blithely about social media, 6 degrees of separation, the global village, but all of this immediacy has taken a toll on human intimacy. I am no Luddite, and partake willingly in most social media and Internet platforms, loving the ability to sh… Continue reading

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The Effect of Color in Baby Blankets

Color has a huge impact on babies, so the color of a baby blanket can make a big difference in the way a baby reacts. Knowing the effect of different colors will make choosing the right baby accessories that much easier. Continue reading

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The Effects of Tragedy on Children

Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you… Go into shock. Recently as I was browsing through old photo albums I came across pictures of my girls, ages 9 and 3 at the time. They were sitting in their dads hospital bed, all smiles. Continue reading

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