general news

Packing for Your Trip to a New Habit

Whenever we set out to do something new, especially something that involves a journey, preparations can make or break our success. There are preparations that help us along the way, with more efficiency than frayed nerves. Continue reading

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The Little Things Make a Difference in Your Home Atmosphere

If we always “get by” on making a home because we’re busy running here and there, we will push off the importance of keeping the home a welcoming shelter from the world. It nourishes our own soul to have orderly, lovely surroundings. This doesn’t mean … Continue reading

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The Advantages of a Book Club

Joining a book club can be a wonderful way of getting inspired and stay updated when it comes to literature. If you are in the middle of raising children you are probably too busy to allow yourself easy strolls in the local book store or at the library. Continue reading

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Rainy Day Boredom Busters

Rainy day boredom: It’s bound to happen at least once in every kid’s life unless they’re growing up in the Sahara (in which case you can consider the following projects “Sand Storm Boredom Busters”), and what good is it being a kid if you can’t get out… Continue reading

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The Benefits Of Bunk Beds

When a parent has more than one child, or when there are temporary guest at someone’s home, one consideration that the parent, or the homeowner has to think about, is space. Specifically, they will want to make sure that others are getting a good night… Continue reading

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