general news

Say No To Family Events This Year

As the summer comes to an end, only a few things are constant in the coming future; cold weather and family gatherings. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Eve. At some point you won’t be able to skip that dreaded family event. Continue reading

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Three Online Resources to Support Homeschooling Parents

So, you decided to home school your child. It may be because you dislike the environment of the schools available or you decide to home school owing to religious/moral reasons. Whatever the reason, your success as a homeschooling parent will depend not… Continue reading

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Eco-Friendly School Shopping

A huge distinction in shopping lists since my days at school is the emphasis on eco-friendliness. With a growing emphasis on environmental awareness in school curriculum (a lot of schools now have their own gardens!), it only makes sense that parents a… Continue reading

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Making A Statement With Your Flooring Renovation

There are several home renovations that you can do in your home that will make a statement. One of them for certain is your choice of flooring. Continue reading

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Celebrating Life With Style

Time seems to be going by faster and faster. We should celebrate life every day. Living in the moment and celebrating in the moment is becoming more important. Putting things off often means they may not get done. Continue reading

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