general news

Post College Survival Techniques

Clearing college comes with a feeling of achievement and relief for many after years of toil, late night studying and exams. Everybody leaves with the promise that comes with graduating; well paying jobs, financial independence and all the time in the … Continue reading

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Choosing The Right Sleepwear For Your Young Child

This article talks about the importance of choosing the right sleepwear for an infant or a young baby at night. Choosing the right sleepwear can make the difference between a good or a bad night sleep. Cute and trendy sleepwear like swaddlers or sleep … Continue reading

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How to Equip Your Kids for a Day in the Sun

If you learn your children are going to be out in the sun for any length of time, I’m sure that you’re going to be concerned about the exposure and what it can do to the health of your family. After all, many of us are concerned about the increase that… Continue reading

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How to SAVE Money on Rising ENERGY Costs!

A Sunny Future for Household Energy? Homeowners and renters alike will no doubt be worried about the news that energy company Swalec is the third firm since June to increase its household electricity and gas rates. The company, part of Scottish and Sou… Continue reading

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Remembering Loved Ones On All Soul’s Day

Remembering to remember our loved ones who passed away is not easy nowadays. People tends to be more occupied with a lot of things but seldom remembers to even visit the most quite place in town – the cemetery. This article simple reflects on the write… Continue reading

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