general news

Spending More Time With Your Family – 5 Tips Even the Busiest People Can Use

In between work, chores, carpools, and PTA meetings, how often do you tell yourself you need to spend more time with your family? By incorporating these simple things into your routine, even the busiest people can spend more time with their families! Continue reading

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Purging Time – The Fall Fling Has Begun!

Purging can be difficult to start because we get all sentimental. We recall wonderful memories and suddenly letting go of something feels like we are letting go of that memory or our loved one. I was faced with having to let go of some powerfully stron… Continue reading

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Mending the Broken Family Unit

Mending the broken family unit begins with just one person. It may be you especially if you have been the rock of the family so far. You may be the mediator of the household. If so then you need to make use of this role, and instead of using it to smoo… Continue reading

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Protect Yourself From Phone Surveys Which Could Cost You Dearly

A recent posting got me riled up about some phone survey scams that we can be subjected to while in the comfort of our own home. Let this serve as a reminder about how careful we must be because the scammers can be so slick and sometimes successful in … Continue reading

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Do You Think a Bouncy Castle Is a Good Investment for the Family?

A frequently asked question by many parents is, “How can I keep them occupied and happy at the same time”. As parents I mean, we all know how difficult it is to keep these bundles of excessive energy occupied considering their limited attention span. A… Continue reading

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