general news

Giving A Family A New Start

Giving a family a new start means putting to rest past issues. It doesn’t mean burying them and hoping that in time you will forget about them. They must be dealt with. Only then can the family move on to building a new relationship. It means renewed t… Continue reading

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Dealing With A Nosy Neighbour

At one time or another, many people have had to deal with the irritation of nosy neighbours. While most of the time it’s a harmless annoyance, it’s still important to let any peeping neighbour know that your life is your own business. While marching up… Continue reading

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Overdressing a Baby and the Risk of SIDS

SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is a major cause of death in infants age 1month to 1 year. About 2500 infants die each year from SIDS. The latest possible cause of SIDS is overdressing your infant. Continue reading

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Organizing Junkie – My Favorite Things List

An Organizing Junkie’s Favorites List ~ It doesn’t really matter what I like… Who cares! But the reason WHY I like these things is important, and are likely important enough for you too. The things that keep me organized, make my life easier, and sav… Continue reading

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Floor Durability – Why Is It So Important?

Cork flooring durability is a very important feature to consider especially if you plan on setting it up at home. Flooring is very important because it can radically affect the value and look of your house. Thus, knowing what it can offer will help you… Continue reading

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